The community is growing
First off I’d like to congratulate member Dave Edwards, over at UAL Central St Martins campus at Granary Sq in St Pancras, for passing his CTS exam. Well done mate 🙂 While we’re on the subject of CTS exams, certificates and education standards for the AV community, you may be interested in coming along on...
If you seek my monument, look around you
The title of this blog post derives from a quote over the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren in St Paul’s Cathedral. Hence my picture, this was taken on leaving Tate Modern after attending their February Uniqlo Late. As I crossed the so called ‘wobbly bridge’ at 11pm this view seemed to put Tate, London and...
And, the winner is..
Well, the Oscars are about to happen (no predictions, as this blog post is in the pipe on Sunday evening) and as a bit of a film buff I’ll be following a strong year of contenders and it will also be interesting on political fronts. Speaking of award ceremonies and strong contenders I’m sure some...
Resolutions under strain
Happy New Year everyone. Can we still express that sentiment?  Oh, I just did. So, we’ve entered the third week of January and I’m guessing all switchers and projectors are contentedly purring away in the background and all staff are back in place, except for those of you taking extra-long breaks! You know who you...
Tis the season…
Hi Everyone. It’s been a great year here at AVCF. With our membership increasing and some really interesting projects underway. During the last three months I visited Rose Bruford College, who specialise in performing arts, to engage some of the media/tech related departments and we’re hoping for a visit where we can interact with the...