I attended an interesting talk the other night at the Royal Society of Medicine. Facilitated by our multi award winning member, Kevin Mcloughlin and his team (also award winners.. can’t get past the trophies 🙂 It was part of a running programme called Event Tech Talks and is hosted by Adam Parry. The subject, ‘Q&A – how to get engagement from you attendees’ their approach covers a wider remit and the audiences are made up of event organisers and companies that supply technology for events of all sizes (voting systems, live polling, systems that use analytics to gather info from events). Check out their site. They have the talks in this series archived and yesterday’s talk will be up soon.
The jury was out on what a successful approach was and came down to a ‘horses for courses’ mindset, an interesting discussion though. But, as our big day is on Friday, and there will be a Q&A session I reckoned there would be no harm seeing if there were things I might pick up. Gather your knowledge from a wide source is what I say. Being prepared and knowing your speakers and panelists seems to be a core thing from the session I attended. Communicating with people is key ”people not boxes again. We’ll see how I get on (be kind).
But it also allowed the muse to whisper in my ear me a title, the headline of this blog, for the Q@A session and in fact all that we do. It is credited the late, great, David Bowie in fact. Rock and roll!
So, who will take part on the panel. Some of the people who’ve agreed to help out (last minute demands allowing, that’s AV world for ya!) are: Dan Crompton AV guru at Tate, Alex Myers who runs AV at British Museum, Marcus Saunders or one of his crack team who deliver AV for University of the Arts London and Graeme Massey from Jacobs Massey Recruitment, a great supporter and sponsor of our cause here at the forum. Oh yes, and yours truly trying to coral all the excitement and creative chaos!
(I’m sure on the day I’ll wrangle some other bods)
Well, only a couple of days to go. Most of you will have received an email from Gabriel Thorp, Senior AV Technician, at RIBA also welcoming you to the day. I’ve been getting loads of last minute requests and if you have any last minute colleagues or interested parties, just rock up. We’re a broad church.
I think it’s going to be a fun day. Yes, AV in its myriad of guises can be fun. It will be on Friday.