iAV21 an annual event from the AV Cultural Forum


July 29


10:00 am - 06:30 pm

Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/iav21-an-annual-event-from-the-av-cultural-forum-tickets-144471647587

Chris Power. Chairman AV Cultural Forum

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/chris-power-chairman-av-cultural-forum-17192786918
iAV21 (Intelligent Audio Visual)

Last year for iAV we put things together on our first virtual event.

In 2021 we will fully embrace this as we enter the virtual arena again.

As the world slowly emerges from lockdown which direction will we be going?

We have aspirations and clues aplenty but much to explore as we mine our frontline members in the museum, cultural and attraction world… And beyond.

All are welcome and here is your chance to register your interest early.

We will update you as we clarify our guests and programme for 29th of July 2021.