Next Event: National Gallery on Thursday 8th December at 16.30hrs.
Hi Everyone,Jon Sheldon, Audio Visual Production Manager over at the National Gallery, has arranged a nice little demo exclusively for AVCF Members all as detailed below. Anyone remembering our exclusive trip to the Soundscapes exhibition via Jon in 2015 will know what cool stuff he runs out for us. Rumour has it that mince pies, refreshments.
If you wish to attend, please email Jon at the National Gallery
Chris Power
Chairman, AV Cultural Forum
Timax Soundhub2 Demo
Invitation to the National Gallery on Thursday 8 December @ 4.30pm to a demonstration of Timax’s Soundhub2.
Soundhub was used for the distribution, real-time show control, processing and playback of audio for the National Gallery’s Soundscapes exhibition. Dave Haydon from Outboard (manufacturer and developer of Soundhub) will demo some of its power spatial and surround features, including the ability to move audio around the room tracking in real-time the physical position of performers within a space.
Less sales pitch, more chance to demo of a bit of kit that as far as I know is alone in filling the void of a dedicated flexible high quality audio specific media player – ideal for exhibition installations and live events.
Come to Sainsbury Wing Theatre, Level -1, Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery.